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EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from Cabby :CustomCars=FXC|FXR,23,0 XRC|XRR,24,0 FZC|FZR,20,0

By default these cars are already defined, they're just called FX2, XR2 and FZ2. All use restriction of 20, but it doesn't matter, since even e.g. FXR with 23 will be seen as FX2 (because it is 20 or more).

What you were missing in your config was the definition of the same class your custom cars belong to, specifically CarClasses=..., FXC+XRC+FZC. (Again, there's GT2 class defined already by default.) Then the car ahead and behind would be shown correctly.
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from Cabby :Does 1.3.3 correct the issues with the car ahead and car behind panel not displaying the correct drivers that is present in 1.3.2?

Hm, I never had such issue, but the two panels should show driver ahead/behind in a car of your car category, which will not always be absolute positions ahead/behind. Anyway I'll do some tests with these panels...
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :... if it would be possible to update it every split/lap to show [gap] ([change in gap]) (cumulative change in gap for the lap) ...

Yes, I see your point. I'll try to keep this in mind and maybe offer a new (14th) combined panel with this cummulative gap, just nickname and the timing data for previous and following car (in your category), maybe also with leader comparison included? It is not too much complicated (unless I will run out of button IDs), all the data are available...

In the meantime Aonio 1.3.3 is released. It corrects some field panel corrections, but what is more important it does not close with LFS. If it loses (or doesn't find) connection to LFS, it stays active checking connection availability once a minute. When connection could be finally established (LFS runs again) it connects. I did not have much time to test this thoroughly, so strange behavior reports are welcome...
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Yes, very good suggestion, I'd myself like to have it running regardless of LFS. I'll take a look at some options later today...
Aonio 1.3.1
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
New Aonio is available. It improves yet a bit multiclass racing support (especially the field panel) and adds one more panel (13th). This new one is called Race/leader panel and shows info about current race (lap/laps or minute/minutes of the overall leader), info about current driver (you) as lap/sector, info about lap/sector of your car class leader and time you are behind him. New config options also allow to set the distance when proximity warning is played (10 m) and when the warning is withdrawn (15 m). Enjoy!
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :ButtonClutch = NOT autoclutch AND NOT shifter

If you remember our disscussion before implementing the check, we've been at this point already. The BIG problem is that if there is axis clutch allowed, there is no way to prevent people from setting axis clutch, joining the race, switching to button clutch and happily racing. That is because LFS does not report to server such a (small) settings change, server does not know about it and thus can never report/check it even in subsequent laps. It is very similar to turning TC on/off – no server InSim can ensure a policy of no TC is strictly adhered to, because TC change on track is not reported to server and cannot be captured.
EQ Worry
S2 licensed

Still, it seems to me the definition of button clutch as it is now is not quite correct, and if I'm not mistaken, to have it correct means Airio (nor any other InSim) cannot ensure people are not using button clutch. That is because change between button clutch and axis clutch under wheel settings on track are not reported as driver/control updates...
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Dinosaur, the "button clutch" was a thing required by Boothy (if I'm not mistaken) to be added to Airio, defined as NOT autoclutch AND (at the same time) NOT shifter. To tell the truth, I do not much understand if that is truly how a button clutch could be defined. What I know is that by default the button autoclutch check should not be active, so people with any clutch can join... Checking right now...

EDIT: I checked the code and I believe Airio is behaving according to given specification. (But maybe the specification was not quite correct?) Also I think the admins setting up Airio at IHR specifically required button clutch not to be allowed. The solution now would be to disable that requirement and later supply a better specification of what is a button clutch.
Last edited by EQ Worry, .
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Thanks for this report/info, it is very valuable for Linux lovers/fans. :-)
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from schwab :Debian 4.0 (Etch) ... ERROR: 10.03.29 13:38:03 - CodePage 1252 not supported

You're missing Mono libraries with code pages, which Airio requires for correct LFS to Unicode and back conversions. The problem is I'm not able to tell you exactly which libraries are missing. When I was testing this I simply installed all containing "mono" and it worked...

EDIT: Please check out this link:! Aonio uses the same library as Airio, so the requirements are the same...
Last edited by EQ Worry, .
Airio 2.3.8
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
New Airio contains some long-awaited things such as the options (38 of them) to enforce (enable or disable) personal settings (on first connect or on every connect). The !show command was improved to cover all options and there are new commands to show points of only registered people. Also output of many commands into buttons was visually improved using virtual dynamic tabulators aligning individual items. FULL version contains a commad to display all limads (it is the first command to show partial server setup). PROS version has much improved dynamic handicaps and newly also safety handicaps. The safecaps can be used to slow down (using weight or intake) drivers with bad safety rating. Enjoy!
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Would you say that I understand correctly when I say that what you need is basically a command to display all limads (usernames, nicknames, levels) on current server? If so, I guess it would be much easier to include that command as a new one right into Airio instead of trying to create a custom one...
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
This is (I hope) one last post bringing team matters into an AA LFS racing thread (sorry). Today (March 25th, 2010) I was sending to all AA members with known e-mail addresses important info concerning our cooperation with a team of licenced people in an attempt to bring the demo and licensed racing closer together and give serious advantage to both teams. If you feel to be an AirAttack member (or a strong supporter that would like to influence things to come), but did not receive the e-mail, please write directly to me to eqworry(at) (or siply use a PM here). I'll give you all info so that you know what is going on and may decide.
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
No, I'm afraid there's no such option currently, could be a nice addition though. One item setting random minutes from/to, other item with messages, one per line, picked up randomly...
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from menantoll :... I'm wondering if there is a way of getting airio to display the known racername for me if I just supply the username...

One option is to use !pi username, the output includes nickname as well. And it works the other way too...
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
It will surely help. And never hesitate to ask.
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from VoiD :Conclusion:
NoYellowNodes=72-92 + 160-170

Nice one! I'll put this into the default TCD file. Thanks!

An option for finding such places on other tracks would be to disable safety ratings temporarily, have standard races and then take a look into the LOG file, because every raised and withdrawn yellow flag is now reported together with nodes where this happened.

Quote from Backtrack3d :I am getting a packet write error? Can someone else me to know how to fix it?

Very hard to fix this error. It it bad communication between Airio and LFS server, bad data being received that look almost like LFS packets but are not - decoding rutines process the data assuming they have correct form and fail at that.

This broken communication almost never happens when Airio runs locally, on the same PC where also LFS server(s) run. The less reliable the connection between Airio and server the higher the probability of TCP errors leading to Airio disconnects (and automatic reconnect attempts within 5 minutes).

Practical note: I was getting many such errors when running Airio from my PC through Wi-Fi to very remote servers. The connection was broken every so often - bad packets received turned into errors (captured, reported) in the InSim library, leading to disconnects. The solution is to move Airio closer to the LFS server.
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from pandera :a small suggestion: if there was a number of laps on top of the drivers positions list it wolud be great... and I'am also having problems with using other .wav files than the default notify.wav, any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

What number of laps you mean? Your own finished laps or race total? If your own, they could appear for some time in splits in the field panel, I think, replacing the ># signs. Concerning sounds, I never really tried using other files. Just make sure they're proper WAV files and I do not see where there could be a problem.
Aonio 1.2.5
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
New Aonio is available through my signature. It corrects one small issue and substantially improves multiclass racing support. Car classes (groups) can be defined in CFG file and if cars of several classes are seen on track, multiclass mode is activated:

1) Current position (e.g. in viewed driver panel or in field panel) is shown per respective car category. 2) Previous and following cars are also of the same car category. 3) The race field panel shows time differences to the same car category in yellow, while the other time differences are white. 4) Viewed driver (you, if on track) is marked in the field by pink > and position in the respective category.

All these changes are designed to give better overview on multiclass servers. Suggestions for future updates include more talking (various state info), leader panel (showing data about your car class current race leader), some mechanism to upload and download setups from a common Internet setup repository (all in game).
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from pik_d :What is the command to show the list of average best times?

To see all championship (usually a week or a month) average lap times type !avg [car]. Total stored average times are shown by !avgs [car]. You can always use # or "me" to see you place (e.g. !avgs #). To see average times of currently connected people use !tma [car] (time average).
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from Androme :it could be cool if airoi would manage a sort of track rotation (more than one list).

Hm, interesting idea!
Airio 2.3.7
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
First version of Airio 2.3.7a is available. It contains some features that are hard to test thoroughly except on decently loaded servers, so bug reports are expected and welcome. Here are some of the added things:
  • Certain controls (mouse, keyboard) can be prohibited, depending on lap time.
  • Multiclass support was extended (position in class is shown, also best splits/sectors are stored and shown per class, the same with best lap points).
  • Blue flag warnings show type of obstructed car and can be ignored if the car is of another class.
  • Button clutch (defined as not autoclutch and not shifter) can be prohibited or required.
  • Parts of track may be defined where yellow flags caused are ignored, to solve some LFS bug rating problems.
  • Forced spectatings, kicks, and bans can now decrease safety rating.
  • PROS version finally implements dynamic handicaps - race winners can be required to mount e.g. additional mass to their car for the next race, which may in effect equalize the racing field.
The new version is already sent to 500servers and should be available for update soon. FREE version is also directly available through my signature, FULL version details will be sent shortly through e-mail. Enjoy!
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
You need to understand the rotations work in a quite simple way. Whenever a race ends (by voting to end race, by using /end, or when everyone disconnects), Airio takes a look into the rotation string. If it finds the current track there, it will move to the next one, optionally resetting lap count and/or car types, if specified. That is all, but it has some consequences:

1) If you're on a track that is not included in rotation string, ending race does nothing, there is no next track to go to.

2) If you do not have car types specified for next track in rotation, current cars will stay unchanged.

3) If you're outside rotated tracks/cars and want to enter (new) rotation, you basically do that manually using /track and /cars admin commands (or their Airio equivalents).
EQ Worry
S2 licensed
Quote from Androme :All is alright thank you.

So glad to hear! Initially some items may be a bit confusing, no doubt, but I believe there is a system in where the items are and how they work.